Feedback group

You may remember a post on a while back: We’re developing…your feedback needed! «

In an effort to make our Website more useful and easier to use, we will be undergoing a major redesign of in the coming months.

I was lucky enough to get into one of the feedback groups. Go take a look at the Linden blog post, and if you have anything you’d like me to suggest to my group, let me know in the comments here.

Go vote for Natalia

I use an RSS aggregator (Bloglines) to track quite a few SL blogs and websites. One of my favorites is Natalia’s Second Life Diary Blog. Natalia combines step-by-step tutorials (mostly female fashion), site-seeing, and delightfully low-key role-playing narrative. I encourage you to check it out.

And if you’re so inclined, vote for her in the Miss Second Life contest:

The Miss Second Life Finals is this Sun Feb 25, from 9:00am-11:00am SL/PST. If you are around a computer, please vote for me! The website is (The voting will be between 09:30am-10:30am SL/PST). Just select Rank 1st under my picture and click the Vote button. That’s it! You dont need to be in Second Life or even have a Second Life account to vote. But the votes *MUST* be cast between 9:30am-10:30am SL/PST to be counted! Thank you so much in advance! 🙂

From: Day 152: Redemption Through Shopping

OK, time for some meta rants

Official Linden Blog: Network routing issues being worked on.

No. Really? Dudes, get a grip.

And the Avastar reports that:

In an interview with PC Advisor, Joe Miller, vice president of LL, revealed the company is close to providing an integrated voice communcation system.

Let me just say, I do not want to hear the voices of crowds of people, and I don’t particularly want to use voice to communicate myself.

New elven sims!

I was showing around my friend nox tonight, and discovered that the Elven sim reorganization I read about in the MM (I think) is taking shape. There are now several ocean sims that are new. It’s going to be a nice big area. (The map uses doesn’t show any of the sims, even the preexisting ones, yet.)

Article on

I wrote the article now featured on the home page: Religious reality in a virtual world.

A dragon, an angel, and a bug-eyed monster sit down in a Unitarian Universalist church. No, it’s not the beginning of a bad joke. If you’re in the popular online world of Second Life, it may just be a few friends having a conversation.

Broken map

The map in Second Life seems to be broken. It’s showing old images of sims, and newer sims don’t have names and return “invalid location.”

Of course, with 32,000+ people logged in, I’m sure it’s the usual database load. Lag is certainly terrible.

I also TPd to my home, to find something like a dozen people rather aimlessly walking around and through the house. It wouldn’t be so bad, except they wouldn’t even say hello, and many of them are members of only sex groups. Two of them were naked and wearing shackles. So I set the land to group only. Sigh. I hate doing that.

The Constructive(?) Curmudgeon

A professor of philosophy from Colorado who describes himself as “Professor, philosopher, preacher, writer” had a post back in December, Second Life: Shameless, Sinful. In browsing his blog, he is at least consistent about being cranky and dismissive of almost all popular culture. Perhaps some of his ideas are actually true and useful, but he certainly puts me in mind of that saying about flies and vinegar.

World domination

My friend Karen, more or less on a dare, drew an art card of a dragon taking over the world:

It’s lovely as it is, and I also thought that for a banner in the Hatchie home-building competition it might pop with some color. So here’s the violence I’ve done to my dear friend’s artwork (using The Gimp, which I’m slowly learning):

There are now two banners hanging below the doorway of my sky fortress.