The opening reception for the Caledon Peace Society on Sunday, 26 August, turned out to be quite a nice event, although I was feeling a bit flustered with preparations. I finished the music playlist just a couple of hours before the event, and I had last-minute decorating to do, including paring down some of the plants in the Garden of Peace on the upper level in order to free up prims for very simple refreshments. I had placed the informational signs that give information about Nobel Peace Laureates the evening before, so at least I wasn’t doing any scripting!
As it happened, I was in the Garden of Peace when the first guests arrived, and we spent the course of the event on that level, standing in a loose circle and having a fascinating conversation. Mr Drinkwater posed a question that proved most effective for prompting guests: “What peacemaker do you most admire?”
I am sorry to say that at the very end of the event the few of us left were orbited by someone who proceeded to do the same to anyone who came near—including the Duchess of Carntaigh, who then had the basis for banning him and his associate from the Independent State of Caledon. (IMing the individual did not bring satisfactory resolution, and the individuals were reported to have been engaged in similar behavior but a day or two prior in Loch Avie.)
In my distress at my initial orbiting (it happened twice), I quit SL, thus losing the accumulated chat from the afternoon before I had a chance to create a guest list. To all who attended, a most hearty thank you.
For those who have not yet visited, the Baroness Bertha von Suttner chapter of the Caledon Peace Society is adjacent the telehub in Caledon SteamSkyCity, and you are welcome to visit at any time. There is an informational display on the lower level, and a conservatory on the upper level in which I encourage you to take a moment to relax.
I did manage to snap a couple of shots, though photography doesn’t seem to be my strong suit. Bizarre Berry graced us with an angelic fountain, and other guests included Sir ZenMondo Wormser, Miss Soliel Snook, Colonel Exrex Somme, and Mr JJ Drinkwater. I am most sorry not to be able to identify everyone in my photos, nor to thank everyone who attended.