I don’t know. But I found an interesting set of blog memes.
A weekly meme from Strawberry Singh.
- Google your Second Life name in “quotations” and share your results. 5,910
- What is the first link that comes up? To this blog.
- Which link were you surprised to see? A Google books link to me cited in a footnote.
- Click on the “Image” tab and tell us where the first 5 pictures listed are from. Twitter (ugh, a terrible little anime avatar), onebillionrisinginsl.wordpress.com, otenth.org, flickr, and otenth.org
- Click on the “more” tab and then click “news” and share your results. None
And another, similar meme that Strawberry recommends, from Emily at sltimewellwasted, which compares the search results for my RL and SL names.
- How did the two digital footprints compare, and did that surprise you? My RL name isn’t common, but it’s not all that uncommon either. The first two links are to LinkedIn and Facebook search pages (“everyone named Kenneth Sutton” things). Then three results that aren’t me, and finally at number 6 a link to my profile at work. My personal blog comes in at number 9. (For images, I don’t show up until the 9th image, from Twitter, and then again at 12 in a wedding photo on someone else’s website.)
- Does anyone interesting share your name? Apparently not.
- Are you happy with the size of your digital footprint, or do you wish either one was larger/smaller? I’m gratified that the care I took in choosing my Second Life name (which I have claimed in several other virtual worlds, as well as using in web venues like this blog) is reflected in my ownership of the search results. When Google introduced Google+ I killed my Otenth Paderborn account, although it was the “real” one that reflected a thriving social life. There were too many things linked to it to risk getting involuntarily canned in the nymwars.
- If you woke up/ logged in one morning to discover over night you had suddenly gained rock-star status, and everybody knew who you were and wanted to know what you were doing, what would you do? Reconsider every single social media outlet and select only one or two to use. Also, I would develop a new set of alts.
Welcome back to blogging! I’m happy you found my little meme interesting, I hope you can participate in more.