I’ve compiled them, and you can find a summary at the Aether Chrononauts site.
A most hearty thank you to all who completed the survey. I am amazed by the number of responses.
Otenth Paderborn's virtual existence
I’ve compiled them, and you can find a summary at the Aether Chrononauts site.
A most hearty thank you to all who completed the survey. I am amazed by the number of responses.
If you have an interest in meeting in “real life” at a convention or special event (or even if you don’t), please take a quick survey to help determine interest in meeting at SteamCon, Seattle Airport Marriott, Washington, October 23-25 or Second Life Community Convention, Marriott San Francisco, California, August 13-16. This is an effort started by those who attended and created CaleCon last year, who wish to attract a much wider range of participants this year. Please pass the word around the neo-Victorian, Steampunk, themed, je ne sais quoi communities that might be interested.