Please help me celebrate my fourth rezday in Second Life, Saturday 20 November, 3-6 pm SLT, at Ormsby Hall, Caledon Mayfair.
Music by Gabrielle Riel. Casual dress. No gifts, please.
Otenth Paderborn's virtual existence
Please help me celebrate my fourth rezday in Second Life, Saturday 20 November, 3-6 pm SLT, at Ormsby Hall, Caledon Mayfair.
Music by Gabrielle Riel. Casual dress. No gifts, please.
Happy New Year!
Otenth Paderborn will be at home, Friday the first of January, 12 noon til 4 pm SLT. Conversation and Dancing. Midgard Music: Adventurous Audio. Tipjar for D’Argo’s medical expenses.
Come as you were (or would have been if you only knew then . . . )
Saturday 29 November, 12-2pm SLT
DJ: Rudo Gynoid, world music mix
Caledon Murdann
I would like my friends whose video cards struggle with Second Life to be able to attend, so I have some challenges for everyone to reduce client-side lag.
I will have tall and tiny dance balls, as well as couple dance sets, and also seats within chatting distance of the dance floor.