I’ve compiled them, and you can find a summary at the Aether Chrononauts site.
A most hearty thank you to all who completed the survey. I am amazed by the number of responses.
Otenth Paderborn's virtual existence
I’ve compiled them, and you can find a summary at the Aether Chrononauts site.
A most hearty thank you to all who completed the survey. I am amazed by the number of responses.
If you have an interest in meeting in “real life” at a convention or special event (or even if you don’t), please take a quick survey to help determine interest in meeting at SteamCon, Seattle Airport Marriott, Washington, October 23-25 or Second Life Community Convention, Marriott San Francisco, California, August 13-16. This is an effort started by those who attended and created CaleCon last year, who wish to attract a much wider range of participants this year. Please pass the word around the neo-Victorian, Steampunk, themed, je ne sais quoi communities that might be interested.
There’s a new Voices in the Machine episode up, recorded at CaleCon last summer. Soliel Snook and I are interviewed by Gabrielle Riel.
CaleCon (and SLCC) are not the only times people who have known each other only in virtual worlds meet in the physical world. Such contacts range from informally getting together with a group of friends to consumating relationships. Siri Woodget’s blog has a charming post written by guest blogger Andrijah Beardmore.
What I did discover is that Colleen’s hair is not quite so spiky, and that Siri is a bit more outgoing, among countless other little details. But the thing is, neither was in any way too different from the avatars they control on a daily basis. For the most part, they are the same people, even though their actions may not be the same – but then again, who does the same thing in both worlds.
Their experience is quite similar to what many of us experienced at CaleCon, and similar to what I experienced a year ago when my friends Asha, Bromo, nox, and I hung out for a weekend.
As I waited to cross back into the United States (a very long wait, but a blessedly easy interaction with the customs official), I looked back with great joy on the days I spent with my fellow Caledonians at CaleCon. (Behind the cut is a long post with several photos.)
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